My first post, and thanks for a great product
Near the end of the video (timing seems random, but will watch more closely from now on) the video seems to skip some frames then cut off before having played the full video. If I restart the video it will play to the same point and then jump back to about 1/2 way through and then cut off as if it had ended.
2nd problem with .rmvb files: The timer seems to show every other second rather than every second. It doesn't seem that frames are being skipped as the video seems to play smoothly.
Neither of these problems happen when I use Real Player to play these type of files (no surprise really), but I really prefer my good old VLC player.
3rd unrelated problem, but happens with all files: When I change file names I see the new file name on the bottom "status" bar, but the old original name appears on the screen momentarily when the vid starts. I've opened all the columns including the 'optional' non-standard ones in Windows explorer, but I don't see anywhere where the original name is still extant that the player should be picking it up. I have the same problem with Real Player.