I am trying to get access to my Axis camera using VLC (0.9.9). I have tried two modes, RTSP and RTP.
My cameras port configuration is the following:
- 50020: HTTP
- 50021: RTSP
- 50022-50029: RTP
I am confused with the results!
When using RTSP I get the following:
- I type "rtsp://"
- Video of the camera is displayed
- ports use is the following:
50021 : outgoing
50024 and 50028 : incoming opened by server
50025 and 50029 : two ways opened by client
So RTSP does use UDP? I am getting confused, I thought RTSP was over TCP
When using RTP:
- I do not know what to type in!
- any try with "rtp://" or "udp://", replacing 50021 by 50020, etc., does nothing...
- I get this idea from a post in Axis forum: ""
- It does something, but nothing is played!The ports opened are:
50020 : outgoing
50023 and 50027 : two ways opened by server
Console message is:
main debug: starting new item
main debug: processing request item node Liste de lecture skip 0
main debug: resyncing on
main debug: is at 7
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: Creating an input for ''
main debug: thread started
main debug: waiting for thread initialization
main debug: `' gives access `http' demux `' path `'
main debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' path=''
main debug: thread 5584 (input) created at priority 1 (../../src/input/input.c:370)
qt4 debug: Updating the stream status: 3
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
main warning: no access_demux module matched "http"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: creating access 'http' path=''
main debug: looking for access module: 2 candidates
access_http debug: http: server='' port=50020 file='/mpeg4/video.sdp
main debug: net: connecting to port 50020
main debug: connection: Resource temporarily unavailable
main debug: connection succeeded (socket = 6196)
access_http debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 206
access_http debug: Connection: close
access_http debug: this frame size=913
access_http debug: Content-Type: application/sdp
access_http debug: stream size=913,pos=0,remaining=913
main debug: using access module "access_http"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 25.000 ms - Total 25.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 25.000 ms)
qt4 debug: New Event: type 1103
qt4 debug: Updating the stream status: 2
main debug: Using AStream*Stream
main debug: pre-buffering...
main debug: received first data for our buffer
main debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' path=''
main debug: looking for demux module: 52 candidates
sap debug: Multiple media ports not supported -> live555
live555 debug: RTP subsession 'video/MP4V-ES'
main debug: selecting program id=0
qt4 debug: New Event: type 1108
live555 debug: RTP subsession 'audio/G726-24'
live555 debug: setup start: 0 stop:0
live555 debug: play start: 0 stop:0
main debug: using demux module "live555"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 10.000 ms - Total 10.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 10.000 ms)
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\
main debug: looking for decoder module: 34 candidates
avcodec debug: libavcodec already initialized
avcodec debug: using direct rendering
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (MPEG-4 Video) started
main debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 2.000 ms - Total 2.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.000 ms)
main debug: thread 6216 (decoder) created at priority 0 (../../src/input/decoder.c:217)
main debug: looking for decoder module: 34 candidates
avcodec debug: libavcodec already initialized
main debug: thread started
avcodec warning: Physical channel configuration not set : guessing
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (G.726 ADPCM Audio) started
main debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 1.000 ms - Total 1.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.000 ms)
main debug: thread 6072 (decoder) created at priority 2 (../../src/input/decoder.c:217)
main debug: thread started
main debug: `' successfully opened
qt4 debug: New Event: type 1103
qt4 debug: Updating the stream status: 3
main debug: control type=1
For information, when accessing the camera using the Axis Media Control software in Internet Explorer with the so-called Unicast-RTP (UDP), I get the following ports use:
50024 and 50028 : incoming opened by server
50025 and 50029 : two ways opened by server
My questions are then:
1. Does RTSP with VLC use UDP and is it normal?
2. How to play my camera using RTP with VLC?
3. Given this "ports-confusion", do you think there is something wrong with AXis implementation of these protocols that makes it difficult for players to get access to the MPEG4 video stream in UDP?
Thanks in advace for your answers