Problem with setting TTL parameter in vlc plugin in

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Problem with setting TTL parameter in vlc plugin in

Postby parthmankad » 17 Apr 2009 15:12

hello everybody

i am using vlc 0.8.6 c for windows. i am using the vlc plugin in for streaming. this is my code.

Dim vlc_opt As String() = New String() {":dshow-vdev=Acer crystel eye webcam" , ":dshow-adev=Realket audio input" , ":dshow-size=320x240", " :dshow-fps=30.000000", ":sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=256",scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=udp,ttl=255,mux=ts,dst=}""}"}
VLC1.addTarget("dshow://", vlc_opt, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListAppendAndGo, -666)

here i have set the ttl to 255. however i am not able to see the stream on another machine if i type in udp://@

if i do the same thing from the vlc wizard then i am able to view the stream on another machine. the ttl value is set to maximum bcoz the stream needs to pass through multiple routers. if i use the same thing on normal lan without multiple routers then i am able to view the steram even when i am streaming it from my .net application. but when i am setting the TTL value in my .net application and streaming over multiple routers i am not able to view the stream,

how is it that the wizard is able to stream through multiple routers but the same parameters if set from my .net application the stream is not going through.
please help...

Parth Mankad

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Problem with setting TTL parameter in vlc plugin in

Postby costy » 27 Apr 2009 21:08

Some of your code cannot be read.

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