I tried to look for this topic and I couldn't get a concrete answer.
I hope to collect some information in this thread.
I'm trying to compile the python bindings (vlc 0.9.9) for windows using the mingw32 compiler (under linux)
following the simple instructions in http://wiki.videolan.org/Python_bindings but it just seems
not to work. Apparently the setup.py script doesn't recognize the --compiler=mingw32
directive since it tries uses gcc instead of i586-mingw32msvc-gcc.
I think the problem is that the setup script isn't able to read the vlc-config in the top-root directory. (not sure!)
Maybe this problem has been introduced when the bindings directory has been separated from the
libVlc source code? Why don't let the configure script allow the --enable-python-bindings directive
again?I mean, if the bindings code it's there (i.e. like the code from git) it compiles, otherwise it just print a warning...
Anyway, does anyone has a procedure on how to compile the python bindings for windows (possibly using mingw32)???
Can anyone share his knowledge? please? Thanks!