Tried the suggestion to remove,
remove libaout_directx_plugin.dll from your VLC plugins
But this made no difference, if I set set the spdif feature in stand alone mode I get “choppy” sound with no wave out set.
Presumably if I do the same thing in code and only have,
ReDim Options(2)
Options(0) = ":aspect-ratio=16:9"
Options(1) = ":fullscreen"
Options(2) = ":spdif"
In the Options the sound should also be “choppy”, could I have a comment on this fact
This is the code that I am currently experimenting with .....
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private mobjPlayer As VLCPlugin2
Private mvarPLNo As Variant
'Win32 waveOut extension output --waveout-float32, --no-waveout-float32
'Use float32 output (default enabled)
'The option allows you to enable or disable the high-quality float32
'audio output mode (which is not well supported by some soundcards).
'VLC help - ... l#id310965
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click
Dim strFullFileName As String
Dim strMovieName As String
Dim Options() As String
ReDim Options(3)
Options(0) = ":aspect-ratio=16:9"
Options(1) = ":fullscreen"
Options(2) = ":spdif"
Options(3) = ":waveout-float32"
strFullFileName = "C:\Video One\DVDName\VIDEO_TS@1:4-1:21"
mvarPLNo = mobjPlayer.playlist.Add(strFullFileName, , Options())
With mobjPlayer
.playlist.playItem (mvarPLNo)
End With
We keep trying Thanks