Hi I'm new here, this is my first post as a matter of fact so I hope Its OK if I popped out a question immediately ... I was skeptic at first about VLC but I installed it once for a friend of mine on one of those net books because I know its light weight and then I installed it for myself and since made it my default video player ... It looks ugly because of its simplicity but now I think this is what makes it so beautiful , It just works ... I have known that VLC is the player that plays anything so I went ahead and removed Power DVD from my computer ... I don't know if this was a smart move or not but I've tried to open a DVD today but it simp)le just won't open , the Open with VLC option shows in the autorun menu and when I choose it VLC opens but it just doesn't show anything, not even a black screen .. Nothing
I'm just wondering is it a matter of codecs or something or is removing power DVD the reason for this ??? Appreciate any help and once again this peice of software kicks ass