I'm using the version 0.9.8a of VLC under Windows Vista 32Bit, Ultimate. I recently started the Windows Media Player (I know... I did not want to, it was more like an accident ) and that bad thing from hell changed all my file type associations. Before that, I played all files via VLC, like *.avi, *.mpg, *.mp3 etc. Now, all media file types are assigned to the Windows Media Player.
I did not find an option to manually re-assign the file types to VLC within the VLC settings (is there such a function?), but I thought by myself: "hey no problem, I just reinstall VLC and let the setup re-assign all media file associations to VLC" - but I had no luck. VLC Setup was not able to redo those file type assignments, all media files are still linked to the Windows Media Player.
So, before I start and change all media file type via the Windows Explorer (I just don't want to ), I ask you, is there a better way to restore those file associations? Why can't the VLC setup re-assign the file types to VLC? Is there a function within the VLC settings to manually re-assign them? Do you have any other ideas?
Thanks a lot for your help!