Changing VLC 0.86c brightness,hue,contrast in .Net

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Changing VLC 0.86c brightness,hue,contrast in .Net

Postby knuckels23 » 27 Jul 2007 16:36


I am using the .Net interface provided by Tappen.
I need to control the brightness, contrast,hue in the code.
I belive that the following lines of code should do it....

this.vlc.AllowVideoAdjustments = true;
this.vlc.Brightness = 10;

But there is no change in the playing video's brightness :cry:

Am i using it correctly or am I missing any thing...
Are there any other alternatives to this...

Thanks in advance :D


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Re: Changing VLC 0.86c brightness,hue,contrast in .Net

Postby dionoea » 27 Jul 2007 16:47

You might want to ask in this forum category instead: viewforum.php?f=16 (which is where all ActiveX related posts are made).
Antoine Cellerier
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Re: Changing VLC 0.86c brightness,hue,contrast in .Net

Postby lallous » 23 Jun 2008 18:35

Yes you are right, the AllowVideoAdjustments should have worked, but it isn't for some reason's you can find out while debugging the code. To make a long story short, use this as a quick fix in NativeLibVlc.cs :

string[] initOptions =
"--plugin-path=" + NativeLibVlc.vlcInstallDirectory + @"\plugins",

Notice, how the "--vout-filter=adjust" line was added, that's all. And now you can drop the AllowVideoAdjustments.


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