[libvlc] How to redirect output and to check isRunning()?

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[libvlc] How to redirect output and to check isRunning()?

Postby bsrealm » 23 Mar 2008 00:13


1: I got VLC to open up a media file and run it in a DirectX output window successfully :)
2: I would like to know how I can redirect the output to any other active window or something. Like if I can get a window handle, how to I redirect the output into that window, etc.
3: I tried looking at information from the wiki, but I couldn't quite locate the means. I apologize if I have been hasty, its just that I am working time-bound :|
4: I have seen viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45225. But its command-line based. I want some API thingy.
5: Also, how to check if the file is playing or done playing? An IsRunning() function or something?
6: Even if you can point me to some general place where I can lookup these API stuff, I'd be grateful. I have seen howto's and the wiki though.


[PS] The backstory is that I am making a game and I'd like to use VLC to play the intro cinematic videos, the credits and such. I know its mostly going to be fullscreen and there would be a command line argument for that I'm sure, but I'd still like to know how to redirect to a window using the handle. If I can get more into the depths of the rendering thingy, maybe I can write to some texture as well using VLC!

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Re: [libvlc] How to redirect output and to check isRunning()?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 Mar 2008 08:52

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: [libvlc] How to redirect output and to check isRunning()?

Postby bsrealm » 23 Mar 2008 19:42

Well ..

1: I knew that was coming! In fact, I hoped that the guy who wrote that would help me get started quickly :)
2: I would have gone on and tried working from that SDL thingy, but I get undeclared identifier for [libvlc_media_descriptor_t] and [libvlc_media_instance_t], so I couldn't proceed further on that.


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