Problems with file associations on Vista

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Problems with file associations on Vista

Postby AnUnwillingVistaUser » 04 Feb 2008 18:11

(Sorry if this has been reported before. Searched, didn't find it.)

I tried to instruct set Vista to use VLC (0.8.6d) to open the appropriate files but nope, it doesn't listen.

A- if I set it from the VLC installer, the system ignores it (no error msg or anything, but no file association is actually set).
I've tried multiple times, rebooting the system etc. Nothing.

B- can't I set it manually, either:
when I reach the Vista's "Select program for this extension" colorful menu (in a way or another, I tried them all)
it gives me a few (mostly microsoft) predefined options, NOT including VLC, and a "browse" button.
So I click on "browse" and manually locate and select "VLC.exe" for the stupid OS, only to find that it takes me back to the aforementioned
"select program" screen, where nothing changed: still no "VLC" option (and a "browse" button).

Browsing in the Vista help files I read that it might be due to the fact that the program didn't "register" itself. It adds: "Reinstall the program properly, as most programs will register themselves during installation. If the program failed to do that, complain with program developers", or something like that. (Stupid OS! What's up with it? The computer is mine and I should get to choose what program is executed when I click on an avi file!).

- I was root (administrator), when I tried that, and every time I installed VLC. I also tried disabled all the security options I could find.
- The problem might be linked to the fact that Vista is installed on a connectionless machine; I mean, maybe it would go away with a online system update or two.
- Vista is a "home edition", VLC is 0.8.6d.
- It doesn't happen with any other program, including the ones *I* made incidentally (and for sure I wasn't aware that I "registered" them or anything, tough the installer-builder might have done it for me).

Am I the only Vista-trapped user experiencing this?
Any ideas on what is going on here?

Thanks for the help, and all my gratitude for this beautiful and useful piece of software.
Last edited by AnUnwillingVistaUser on 04 Feb 2008 18:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Problems with file associations on Vista

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 04 Feb 2008 18:23

Probably a Vista Only problem.
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Re: Problems with file associations on Vista

Postby hairless » 07 Feb 2008 08:45

Am I the only Vista-trapped user experiencing this?
Any ideas on what is going on here?
I have _exactly_ the same problem, only it is not with vlc, but other programs, specifically codeblocks and sumatra pdf reader.

Google led me to this post, searching for days without luck, you experience is exactly mine to the letter. So I can at least say 'yes' to your first question, but no to your second. Very frustrating.

It only seems to occur for programs that were previously associated. In my case I upgraded codeblocks which WAS associated correctly but vista won't let me change it at all. Just ignores the clicks on the new .exe. Even deleted the registry key, but no luck.

Same experience with .pdf. Just ignores me.

But, the VLC association works fine, although I've never tried to upgrade or change it.

So my conclusions are:
1. The applications are not at fault (not VLC problem)
Browsing in the Vista help files I read that it might be due to the fact that the program didn't "register" itself. It adds:
Is not the problem, but vista is.

I'd be highly grateful if anyone posts a fix here.

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Re: Problems with file associations on Vista

Postby maledyris » 10 Mar 2008 06:46

hairless, you're a genius!

What you said was just enough for me to realize how to fix it.
It's as you said, programs that have been reinstalled are the problem (well, it's a Vista bug, for sure). Basically, Vista stores the path of programs you register for certain file associations. When you reinstall a program with the same name executable but with a different path, Vista gets confused. Here's how to fix it:

1. Open regedit.exe
2. In the left window pane, expand the tree view to:

Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\<your application executable name>\shell\open\command

<your application name> should be replaced with the name of your application. For me it was xemacs.exe

3. In the right window pane, double click (Default). Where you see the path to your program, you'll notice that the path is wrong. It will be the old path, where your program USED to be.
4. Open Windows Explorer, and go to where the executable of your program is located. Copy the path in the Windows Explorer address bar
5. Back in regedit, paste over the incorrect path using the path you copied from Windows Explorer. Make sure you only replace the path, and not anything extra that happens to be in the Value data text box. (ie. be careful not to erase any quotation marks, or "%1", or anything else you see there)
6. Press OK, close regedit, and you should be done!

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Re: Problems with file associations on Vista

Postby bugmenot » 20 Jul 2008 09:42

Start Search > type Default
Control Panel > Programs > Default Programs > There you can see an option to set file type associations.

I was able to click the down arrow and select "VLC Media Player" there. The browse option, navigating to the program directory and selecting the executable also worked.

I've never had any problems.

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Re: Problems with file associations on Vista

Postby termy » 27 Dec 2008 04:45

I had the same issue with VLC in Vista, I had to right click the VLC shortcut and 'run as administrator' for the association settings to take.

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Re: Problems with file associations on Vista

Postby schnorginator » 12 May 2009 22:34

Got here via Google. Yes Vista is retarded.

Anyway easiest and fastest fix is to go to the key mentioned and just delete it.
Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\<your application executable name>\

Then you can right click Open With and things will work properly again and the app will get associated correctly.

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