Hi all, first thanks for VLC!
I'm embarassed to admit that I'm writing because I'm somewhat baffled by VLC's volume control!
My setup takes USB audio out from my PC, and generally I keep all app (and OS) volumes at 100% so that "unaltered audio bits" leave the PC and enter the amp. (ie, I want my amp to control the volume rather than permit software to alter the audio bits).
So, my assumption was that, in VLC, I would to set the volume to 100.
I was unable to actually slide the slider to 100 (it would only get to 97) so I looked in the preferences, and found the volume setting there, but was confused to see that 100 in the app would actually mean setting the slider in prefs to 1024. But then 1024 actually resulted in a volume of 200, so I then set it to 512 in prefs, which resulted in 100 in the app.
But now I gather 50 in the app (or 256 in prefs) actually means 100% (ie, unaltered bits) -- is that all right?
So, does a volume of 50 in VLC mean a convetional 100% and results in no change to the audio bits? Are there any other settings in VLC that I have to make to ensure that it doesn't make any other changes to the audio data?
thanks! -Scott