previewing eMule downloads using VLC media player

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Dave BOD
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previewing eMule downloads using VLC media player

Postby Dave BOD » 17 Aug 2007 20:46

I use eMule v0.48a, and a friend told be about the possibility of previewing files before total download (transfer of part files - beginning and end) ....

Using the eMule help file, I tried to configure my VLC player to accept this part access and succeeded in downloading the file "libaccess_partfile_plugin.dll" and installing it in c:/program files/VideoLAN/VLC/plugins/ ...., but I still can't seem to find the preference headings "modules", "access" and "access_partfile"

Could you please give me an idea as to how to go about this process, so that I can preview my eMule downloads with the VLC media player .... before having to wait 5 hours to download (I've an ADSL line at 100 Mbits/sec) and I work under Windows XP family edition.

Thanx in advance,

Dave BOD

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Re: previewing eMule downloads using VLC media player

Postby VLC_help » 17 Aug 2007 22:01
you downloaded the plug_in from there?

Dave BOD
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Re: previewing eMule downloads using VLC media player

Postby Dave BOD » 18 Aug 2007 20:19

Thanx ..... I'll give it a try (I printed out the readme file)

I'll keep you posted

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