remuxing mp4 to mpeg ts

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Blank Cone
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remuxing mp4 to mpeg ts

Postby khilliard » 20 May 2007 06:34

I have movies (h.264/mp3) stored in .mp4 format. I used the VLC wizard to convert to mpeg ts. When done the result contains only audio. The .mp4 movies play fine with VLC. The steps I followed are:

1.) select Transcode/Save to file
2.) Select the .mp4 file to remux via 'Select a stream' file chooser
3.) On the 'Transcode' page I leave unchecked both 'Transcode video' and 'Transcode audio'
4. On the 'Encapsulation form' page I select MPEG TS radio button
5.) I select the filename for the mpeg ts file and click 'Finish'

I running the current 0.8.6a version under Windows XP. Any ideas???

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Postby DJ » 20 May 2007 08:11

Try transcoding to MP2v and use fps=<framerate> (use the source frame rate) on the command line as the last video option and the audio to a52.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby khilliard » 20 May 2007 10:11

I'm not familiar with the VLC command line but will read up. Not familiar with MP2v but I assume by the name that it is an mpeg2 container. Does this container support mp3 instead of a52? I assume that the operation is just remuxing and not real transcoding (it takes 8-10 hours to transcode to h.264, whew!).

My real problem is that I need a mpeg ts container as I will be streaming the content to a (amino) STB and this is the only format that it will accept. Is there a way to convert from mpv2 to mpeg ts?

I assume since you suggested mp2v that there are known problems with going from mp4 to mpeg ts either thru the wizard or command line. I tried using another remuxing program (Elecard) but the playback had terrible sync, only working with their own player. I would try almost anything that will allow me to playback h.264 video in mpeg ts format. Any suggestions???

I am a relative newbie to video containers/formating/streaming so I hope all this doesn't sound silly. Much appreciation for your suggestions and help.

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Postby DJ » 20 May 2007 10:52

Please stop double posting here! :evil: See the rules for posting.

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Postby DJ » 21 May 2007 00:36

h.264 in a MPEG TS container has very little support for a computer. AAC (MP4a) literally has no support in a MPEG TS container so a52 (ac3) is a viable solution. VLC is supporting this, but the support is ongoing.

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