Is there a Help section with tutorials on how to use VLC for non-power users? I'm trying to set my preferences and there are so many options that they may as well be written in Phoenician because I've no idea what they mean. For example, when VLC starts I have to set the volume to 85 every single time. I would prefer to keep it set that way by default. Yet for the life of me I cannot find a simple 'volume' setting in the preferences. Instead there are tons of options for input, output and so on, but nothing just for plain 'ol listening volume. This is just one example of many.
I only just now found that I could get a screen cap of a video. I had no idea this could be done and I've had it awhile. It would've been nice if I had known, or found it easily as I prefer VLC over any other media player for obvious reasons.
So... is there a total newbie help section anywhere?