I now use VLC 3.0.11 exclusively to play files while I am transcribing and completing other tasks on Windows 10 Enterprise 1903 after WMP became unavailable/corrupted.
I have modified the following VLCP settings-
Always on top is disabled
Show Media Change pop up: Never
Qt interface settings-
Systray icon has been toggled off
Show notification popup on track change: Never
Additionally changed-
Regedit>Desktop>ForegroundFlashCount = 0
Regedit>Desktop>ForegroundLockTimeout =0
Yet on track change, track loop specifically, the VLCPlayer icon becomes highlighted and any concurrent activity is interrupted. For example, when I am typing or selecting a field and this icon activity occurs, it completely removes my cursor from where I am working. If I’m typing, it is interrupted midstream or if I’ve selected a field, the cursor is no longer active in the selected field. This has made using VLCP while doing anything else impossible unless I playing only a single track (yet in these cases, intermittently I am experiencing VLCP UI flashing rapidly while playing a single file, making it unwatchable).
I find no other directions on how to disable notification upon track looping. I am at the limits of my technical knowledge and clearly, I must be missing something. Any help is appreciated.