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[Solved] ISOs of encrypted DVDs: Choppy and buggy playback

Posted: 19 Dec 2010 19:53
by mark_orion
Since I upgraded to VLC 1.1.5 I cannot play ISOs from encrypted DVDs anymore. The playback (if it happens at all) is choppy and unreliable. And it takes ages for VLC to retrieve the CSS keys. I read about VLC 1.1 bugs related to ISO playback. The problem is not related to my Kubuntu system as mplayer plays the same ISOs properly.
I tried to mount the ISO with fuse and then use "Open Directory" in VLC to open the video_ts folder, but it failed with an error.
Are there any workarounds to play ISOs properly ?

Re: [Solved] ISOs of encrypted DVDs: Choppy and buggy playba

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 17:09
by mark_orion
The solution to the problem was simple: I deleted my VLC preferences folder in .config/vlc and VLC is playing ISOs without problems now.