Problems When Using VLC With Live555 Libs?
Posted: 02 Jun 2010 06:01
I compiled the vlc tarball 1.0.6 with the configure
This the log when I play the RTSP stream by DarwinStreamingServer
Code: Select all
./configure --enable-faad --enable-run-as-root --enable-realrtsp --enable-live555 --with-live555-tree=/home/djstava/Workshop/live --enable-lirc --enable-lua --enable-dvbpsi --enable-mkv --enable-x264
Code: Select all
VLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: VLC media player - version 1.0.6 Goldeneye - (c) 1996-2010 the VideoLAN team
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: libvlc was configured with ./configure '--enable-faad' '--enable-run-as-root' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-live555' '--with-live555-tree=/home/djstava/Workshop/live' '--enable-lirc' '--enable-lua' '--enable-dvbpsi' '--enable-mkv' '--enable-x264'
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: translation test: code is "C"
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: checking plugin modules
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: loading plugins cache file /home/djstava/.cache/vlc/plugins-04041e.dat
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/local/lib/vlc'
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: recursively browsing `/home/djstava/Workshop/vlc-1.0.6/modules'
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc warning: cannot load module `/home/djstava/Workshop/vlc-1.0.6/modules/access/dvb/.libs/' (/home/djstava/Workshop/vlc-1.0.6/modules/access/dvb/.libs/ undefined symbol: dvbpsi_DecodeTerrDelivSysDr)
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc warning: cannot load module `/home/djstava/Workshop/vlc-1.0.6/modules/codec/.libs/' ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: module bank initialized (367 modules)
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: opening config file (/home/djstava/.config/vlc/vlcrc)
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 3 candidates
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: Creating an input for 'Media Library'
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MBytes
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: using timeshift path '/tmp'
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: `file/xspf-open:///home/djstava/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' gives access `file' demux `xspf-open' path `/home/djstava/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='/home/djstava/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x8f1dab8] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
[0x8f1dab8] main demux debug: no access_demux module matched "file"
[0x8f1dab8] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.083 ms - Total 0.083 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.083 ms)
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: creating access 'file' path='/home/djstava/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x8f1dab8] main access debug: looking for access module: 3 candidates
[0x8f1dab8] access_file access debug: opening file `/home/djstava/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x8f1dab8] main access debug: using access module "access_file"
[0x8f1dab8] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 11.705 ms - Total 11.705 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 11.705 ms)
[0x8f1fc68] main stream debug: Using AStream*Stream
[0x8f1fc68] main stream debug: pre buffering
[0x8f1fc68] main stream debug: received first data after 0 ms
[0x8f1fc68] main stream debug: pre-buffering done 296 bytes in 0s - 7606 kbytes/s
[0x8f1e8b0] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 5 candidates
[0x8f1e8b0] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 27.792 ms - Total 27.792 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 27.792 ms)
[0x8f21b00] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate
[0x8f21b00] main stream debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record"
[0x8f21b00] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 5.074 ms - Total 5.074 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 5.074 ms)
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='/home/djstava/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x8f20a80] main demux debug: looking for demux module: 1 candidate
[0x8f20a80] playlist demux debug: using XSPF playlist reader
[0x8f20a80] main demux debug: using demux module "playlist"
[0x8f20a80] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.787 ms - Total 1.787 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.787 ms)
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: `file/xspf-open:///home/djstava/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' successfully opened
[0x8f221b0] main xml debug: looking for xml module: 2 candidates
[0x8f221b0] main xml debug: using xml module "xml"
[0x8f221b0] main xml debug: TIMER module_need() : 4.947 ms - Total 4.947 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.947 ms)
[0x8f20a80] playlist demux debug: parsed 0 tracks successfully
[0x8f221b0] main xml debug: removing module "xml"
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: EOF reached
[0x8f20a80] main demux debug: removing module "playlist"
[0x8f21b00] main stream debug: removing module "stream_filter_record"
[0x8f1dab8] main access debug: removing module "access_file"
[0x8f451a0] main input debug: TIMER input launching for 'Media Library' : 52.361 ms - Total 52.361 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 52.361 ms)
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: Activated
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1
[0x8f45368] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x8f45368] main interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[0x8f45368] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 7.452 ms - Total 7.452 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 7.452 ms)
[0x8f45368] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x8f45368] main interface debug: thread started
[0x8f1fb40] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x8f1fb40] main interface debug: using interface module "inhibit"
[0x8f1fb40] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 3.438 ms - Total 3.438 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.438 ms)
[0x8f1fb40] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x8f1fb40] main interface debug: thread started
[0x8f1cf80] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x8f1cf80] main interface debug: using interface module "screensaver"
[0x8f1cf80] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 3.503 ms - Total 3.503 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.503 ms)
[0x8f1cf80] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x8f1cf80] main interface debug: thread started
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: adding item `rtsp://' ( rtsp:// )
[0x8f1dfb8] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x8f1dfb8] main interface debug: using interface module "signals"
[0x8f1dfb8] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 6.326 ms - Total 6.326 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 6.326 ms)
[0x8f1dfb8] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x8f1dfb8] main interface debug: thread started
[0x8f1dfb8] main interface debug: thread ended
[0x8f23de8] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x8f23de8] main interface debug: using interface module "globalhotkeys"
[0x8f23de8] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 20.211 ms - Total 20.211 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 20.211 ms)
[0x8f23de8] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x8f23de8] main interface debug: thread started
[0x8f23de8] main interface debug: thread ended
[0x8e8d668] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[0x8f24c88] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 3 candidates
/home/djstava/.themes/c2/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:54: Clearlooks configuration option "sunkenmenu" is not supported and will be ignored.
[0x8f24c88] qt4 interface debug: Error while initializing qt-specific localization
[0x8f24c88] main interface debug: using interface module "qt4"
[0x8f24c88] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 175.633 ms - Total 175.633 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 175.633 ms)
[0x8f24c88] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index -1
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: processing request item null node Playlist skip 0
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: starting new item
[0x8f48a30] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[0x9167840] main input debug: Creating an input for 'rtsp://'
[0x8f24c88] main interface debug: thread started
[0x9167840] main input debug: thread (input) created at priority 10 (input/input.c:230)
[0x8f24c88] main interface debug: thread ended
[0x9167840] main input debug: thread started
[0x9167840] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MBytes
[0x9167840] main input debug: using timeshift path '/tmp'
[0x9167840] main input debug: `rtsp://' gives access `rtsp' demux `' path `'
[0x9167840] main input debug: creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='' path=''
[0x9168040] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate
Sending request: OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 1
User-Agent: VLC media player (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2010.02.10)
Received OPTIONS response: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
Server: DSS/ (Build/452.22.3; Platform/Linux; Release/Panther; Update/3GPP; )
CSeq: 1
Sending request: DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2
Accept: application/sdp
User-Agent: VLC media player (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2010.02.10)
Received DESCRIBE response: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
Server: DSS/ (Build/452.22.3; Platform/Linux; Release/Panther; Update/3GPP; )
CSeq: 2
Last-Modified: Wed,2 Jun 2010 03:47:25 GMT
Cache-Control: must-revalidate
Content-length: 1166
Date: Wed,2 Jun 2010 03:47:25 GMT
Expires: Wed,2 Jun 2010 03:47:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/sdp
x-Accept-Retransmit: our-retransmit
x-Accept-Dynamic-Rate: 1
Content-Base: rtsp://
Need to read 1166 extra bytes
Read 1166 extra bytes: v=0
o=StreamingServer 3330517155 1118784660000 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 97
a=rtpmap:97 mpeg4-generic/44100/2
a=fmtp:97 streamtype=5; profile-level-id=15; mode=AAC-hbr; config=1210; SizeLength=13; IndexLength=3; IndexDeltaLength=3; Profile=1
m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96
a=rtpmap:96 MP4V-ES/1008
a=fmtp:96 profile-level-id=243; config=000001B022000001B50EA0A0A0A00000010000000120008440FC28A0215AA300
[0x9168040] live555 demux debug: RTP subsession 'audio/MPEG4-GENERIC'
Sending request: SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 3
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=42454-42455
User-Agent: VLC media player (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2010.02.10)
Received SETUP response: RTSP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error
Server: DSS/ (Build/452.22.3; Platform/Linux; Release/Panther; Update/3GPP; )
CSeq: 3
Session: 0
Connection: close
[0x9168040] live555 demux error: SETUP of'audio/MPEG4-GENERIC' failed SETUP: cannot handle response: RTSP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error
[0x9168040] live555 demux debug: RTP subsession 'video/MP4V-ES'
Sending request: SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 4
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=36242-36243
User-Agent: VLC media player (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2010.02.10)
Received SETUP response: RTSP/1.0 400 BadRequest
Server: DSS/ (Build/452.22.3; Platform/Linux; Release/Panther; Update/3GPP; )
CSeq: 4
Session: 0
Connection: close
[0x9168040] live555 demux error: SETUP of'video/MP4V-ES' failed SETUP: cannot handle response: RTSP/1.0 400 BadRequest
[0x9168040] live555 demux debug: setup start: 0.000000 stop:5331.000000
[0x9168040] live555 demux error: Nothing to play for rtsp://
[0x9168040] main demux warning: no access_demux module matching "rtsp" could be loaded
[0x9168040] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 65.084 ms - Total 65.084 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 65.084 ms)
[0x9167840] main input debug: creating access 'rtsp' path=''
[0x916cc30] main access debug: looking for access module: 1 candidate
[0x916cc30] main access debug: net: connecting to port 554
[0x916cc30] main access debug: connection: Operation now in progress
[0x916cc30] main access debug: connection succeeded (socket = 24)
[0x916cc30] main access debug: socket 24 polling interrupted
[0x916cc30] main access debug: socket 24 polling interrupted
[0x916cc30] access_realrtsp access debug: rtsp connected
[0x916cc30] access_realrtsp access warning: only real/helix rtsp servers supported for now