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Unable to open stream devices in 0.9.8a, but I can in others

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 01:24
by slackcub
I am trying to stream to file video from my webcam (/dev/video0) and my built-in microphone (dev/dsp1 I believe). I know that both of the device files exist, and I have no problem accessing them in other programs like skype, xawtv, and even Flash with Firefox can use them. However, when I use the devices in VLC, I get the following in my messages:

Code: Select all

mux_ogg info: Open v4l2 error: cannot open video device (No such file or directory) v4l2 error: cannot open device for ALSA audio (No such file or directory) v4l2 error: cannot open device for OSS audio (No such file or directory) v4l2 error: invalid tuner 0. v4l2 error: cannot open video device (No such file or directory) v4l2 error: invalid tuner 0. main error: open of `v4l2:// :v4l2-dev=/dev/video0 :v4l2-adev=/dev/dsp1 :v4l2-standard=0' failed: could not create access mux_ogg info: Close
I am using Arch LInux, kernel 2.6.28, VLC 0.9.8a. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this solved? Thank you for your time.


Re: Unable to open stream devices in 0.9.8a, but I can in others

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 10:09
by dinobg
Use only v4l-xxxx not v4l2-xxxx after v4l2:// - that works for me.
Here is my example :
vlc -vvv --color v4l2:// --v4l-vdev="/dev/video0" :v4l-norm=3 :v4l-frequency=-1 :adev=/dev/dsp1:audio=0 ..................
I see that You try to use ogg vorbix mux, but I am afraid that this not work for current archlinux version of vlc.
I shtream my camera with vcodec h264 and acodec mpga or mp3 and http ts stream access:


You can use also mux=asf or asfh

Re: Unable to open stream devices in 0.9.8a, but I can in others

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:46
by slackcub
I'm not quite sure where I would change the v4l2 to v4l. When I open the open capture device dialog, I change it to v4l from v4l2 (I'm assuming that's what you mean). and I select asf as my encapsulation, h 264 as my video codec and mp3 as my audio codec. Then I click on "stream". When I do that, it looks like it's streaming (the timer is counting up). However, it does not play locally as I had selected, and when I try to open the file, there is no video or audio, though it seems to play something that's about 1 second long. However I know I recorded much more than that.

Here is whay my messages dialog has when I try to stream. This is all that is in there:

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v4l error: cannot open device (No such file or directory) v4l error: cannot open audio device (No such file or directory)
Does this make sense? Thank you for your help
