How to play same video in more than one head?

*nix specific usage questions
New Cone
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How to play same video in more than one head?

Postby peter.senna » 10 Feb 2009 19:50

How can I play a single movie file on more than one screen? I mean, how to start one vlc process and configure it to output the video in display :0, :1, :2... at same time?



Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: How to play same video in more than one head?

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 10 Feb 2009 21:45

You need to create one local streamer and one input chains per head. It is not currently possible to select a different display within branches of the same input.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Location: Brasilia, Brazil

Re: How to play same video in more than one head?

Postby peter.senna » 11 Feb 2009 12:22

Thanks Rémi. I've tried to use streaming but I was not able to sync the output. Every head has showing the video in different positions. This will be used on a local computer with many video cards. I was trying to use --clone-count --clone-vout options but I was not able to select x11 for all heads and specify the x11 display. I want to play the video on local machine on displays :0 :1 :2 :3 :4...

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15291
Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: How to play same video in more than one head?

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 11 Feb 2009 17:09

I believe you cannot do that with the normal VLC. You'd need to change the code so that each video output accepts a different "x11-display" setting.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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