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[SOLVED] how to configure the wheel mouse

Posted: 30 Dec 2008 12:31
by mierdatuti

I'm newbie with this media player and I would like to know hot configure it to can increase/decrease the volume with the wheel mouse.

Many thanks and sorry for my english!

Re: how to configure the wheel mouse

Posted: 30 Dec 2008 17:31
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It works with wheel mouse on 0.9 versions

Re: how to configure the wheel mouse

Posted: 30 Dec 2008 20:17
by mierdatuti
Many thanks

I have the version 0.94 and when I open vlc from command line it works but when I open the vlc with parameter a video file to open it the wheel mouse doesn't work me

vlc (works)
vlc pepe.avi (doesn't works)

Any help??

Ok!!! It's works! I donk't know that I have to point with mouse to the volume to works!! :D

Many thanks!