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VLC and CentOS

Posted: 05 May 2008 13:16
by elle

I've tried to install various version of VLC (0.8.5 to 0.9.0 - compiled ) on a CentOS 4.5 server and I've some problem:
don't stream .flv and stability problem.

So .. two questions:

is better that I upgrade to CentOS 5?
where is the best VLC version that I can install ?


Re: VLC and CentOS

Posted: 05 May 2008 13:55
by kwizart
The best is only available via livna for Fedora.
But it may come soon for CentOS once is running...

You can have a precompiled pre-0.9.0 version on my personnal repository for Fedora 8.
if you only want Xless pacakge you just need to yum vlc-core

Re: VLC and CentOS

Posted: 06 May 2008 08:09
by elle
Thank you!

And U think that I must upgrade to CentOS 5.0 or I can stay with 4.5?

Re: VLC and CentOS

Posted: 06 May 2008 14:51
by kwizart
Well I really think you should upgrade to Fedora 9 if you want the alpha vlc-0.9.0

Re: VLC and CentOS

Posted: 14 May 2008 20:13
by elle
The problem is that I only can install CentOS ... ( the only license free OS supported by the web farm )