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How Can I Optimize the Track to Track Time

Posted: 08 Apr 2008 12:36
by odomok

I am trying to optimize the time it takes VLC to load and start playing the next media file in the playlist. At the moment there is a discernable freeze frame effect at the end of video tracks before the next track starts playing. This is only a fraction of a second, but on short videos (30 seconds or so) it can be quite distracting.

I have noticed this on both .wmv and .ogg files.

Anyone got any ideas?


Re: How Can I Optimize the Track to Track Time

Posted: 23 Apr 2008 14:00
by badrock

I'm also trying to reduce the switching time between the items of the playlist!!
Let me know if you gain some results or ideas on how to do it,
I'll do the same :wink:


Re: How Can I Optimize the Track to Track Time

Posted: 23 Apr 2008 14:58
by dionoea
You can't do anything about it unless you start hacking the VLC source code :) See for a related forum topic.