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VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 22:09
by antistress
I'm using VLC from deb ./
I'm not sure if it is the good place to report what i found wrong ?
The new Qt interface looks ok on my GNOME desktop, except the colour of my theme which is not respected. On Ubuntu, the colour close to the volume control button should be orange and not blue.
Besides, the "open file" window is all but a GNOME "open file" window. GNOME users get used to "search" option and "recently used files" option provided with gtkfilechooser window. Would it be possible for VLC to work with that GTK option (Firefox based on XUL does that) ?
Thank you for your that excellent piece of software !
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 23:26
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No, probably not. Some people are working on a native gtk interface.
If not, use the old interface.
If you want to complain, fight
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 00:33
by antistress
i never complain (i'm french and, for instance, strikes simply do not exist in France

Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 00:41
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I hate the non integration of Qt in GNOME, but well...
vlc -Iwx will give you the old interface.
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 00:47
by antistress
yes but without the magical record button
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 01:25
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yes, well, this button doesn't do anything yet.
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 01:43
by antistress
still a nice button

Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 19:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Believe me it will be usefull

Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 25 Sep 2008 02:27
by antistress
Also, not having the gtkfilechooser in VLC running on GNOME doesn't allow the user to select places (=shortcuts created within Nautilus - by default : Video, Music, Document, Download...).
Maybe there would be a way to grab them and to display them within VLC filechooser, no matter it is GTKfilechooser or not (for instance, ubuntu netbook launcher manage to grab Nautilus shortcuts and to display them within its own interface)
Except for that usability drawback, i'm happy with VLC 0.9 integration within Ubuntu (GNOME) from an AESTHETIC point of view.
That's why it would be very cool to find a fix for that usability drawback, VLC would be perfect on GNOME desktop.
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 25 Sep 2008 09:18
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
1/ You really need to use QGtkStyle.
2/ About the file chooser, well, I don't know yet how to do this.
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 25 Sep 2008 17:17
by antistress
My post was about 2)
as i said, it's not an AESTHETIC problem, VLC 0.9.2 for Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid (GNOME) is really nice (see ... -ibex.html )
Ubuntu dev must have used QGtkStyle.
For me It's a usability problem, since GNOME users use places they have configured within Nautilus : these places appear each time a GNOME user has to select a file but not with VLC 0.9.2.
Therefore it would be nice if VLC could make use of GTKfilechooser or could grab Nautilus shortcuts and to display them within its own interface
i don't know either how to do that
Thanks for your answer anyway
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 26 Sep 2008 15:46
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
A single source pacakge that depends on too UI toolkit. Err, no thanks. Use the external VLC gtk project whose name I forgot.
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 02 Feb 2009 01:37
by antistress
2/ About the file chooser, well, I don't know yet how to do this.
could this be helpful ?
Native file dialogs in GNOME (by QGTKSstyle author)
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 02 Feb 2009 02:39
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yeah, read my blog for more info about that.
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 16 Feb 2009 03:16
by antistress
i didn't notice you had a blog (please note that no screenshots are displayed
there nor
VLC 0.9-1.0 with native GTK Open File Dialog is a really great piece of news : is it based upon that QGtkStyle new feature i've mentioned above ? does it mean we have to wait Qt 4.5 and/or VLC 1.0 (both seem scheduled for final release in March 2009) ?
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 16 Feb 2009 08:22
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Well, you need QGtkStyle, that is compatible with Qt4.3 and over.
To get the open dialog with the gtk_open_dialog, you need 1.0.
Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 16 Feb 2009 17:58
by antistress

Re: VLC 0.9.0-svn integration with Ubuntu (GNOME) need some work
Posted: 06 Apr 2009 15:15
by antistress
There is a PPA for Jaunty : dudes VLC 1.0.0-pre1 rocks !!! ... a-dry.html