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OpenSUSE 10.3 has dependency problem...

Posted: 05 Nov 2007 18:42
by whchan62
I tried to install the VLC 0.86c in OpenSUSE 10.3, but hit the dependency problem. I can create the repository but could not install from the Software Management of YAST. I made it work in SLED 10.1, but not in 10.3. Any idea? Thank you for your attention.

Re: OpenSUSE 10.3 has dependency problem...

Posted: 05 Nov 2007 18:57
by whchan62
BTW, my OpenSUSE 10.3 is 64-bit.

Re: OpenSUSE 10.3 has dependency problem...

Posted: 06 Nov 2007 19:55
by dimstar
Can you be a bit more verbose please? What dependencies are missing?

you can also paste the output of a zypper solver run... that could help as well.

Re: OpenSUSE 10.3 has dependency problem...

Posted: 07 Nov 2007 07:59
by whchan62
There's no clear message about the dependency, My step is:
Create a record in "Software Repositories" of YAST (following the instruction of installation in SUSE);
Select vlc(0.8.6c) from the "Package Selector" in "Software Management";
It lists a long list of software to be installed under vlc like libxxxx.xx()(64bit) etc;
After accepting, it shows (in Chinese) "Due to lack of dependency, can't install vlc"

Re: OpenSUSE 10.3 has dependency problem...

Posted: 09 Nov 2007 21:45
by dimstar
I'm afraid if we can't get the whole error message, it will be close to impossible to help.

Try the following:

Code: Select all

su - zypper sl zypper in vlc
If there comes a message about dependencies, let it do the full test if possible, then cancel. Copy the output here and I'm sure we can sort it out.

Did you try the one-click-install we provide on the website for openSUSE 10.3?

Re: OpenSUSE 10.3 has dependency problem...

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 16:22
by whchan62
One-click-install works! Followed the memory the way the website shows for the old version. Thank you!