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JVLC VLCExample Exception: install_callback not implemented

Posted: 27 Sep 2007 16:39
by johnlet
Hello all,
I'm new to VLC but am quite impressed with it so far! I have a mixed environment of Linux servers and Windows/XP clients. I was interested in getting jvlc working so that I might write some of my own applications using that API in Java. I will detail how I built the product, but first, here is the error I am getting when I try to run the VLCExample java code...
$ java VLCExample
== Starting VLCExample ==
Creating a JVLC instance without args[00000001] main libvlc debug: VLC media player - version 0.9.0-svn Grishenko - (c) 1996-2007 the VideoLan team
[00000001] main libvlc debug: libvlc was configured with ./configure '--enable-mozilla' '-enable-java-bindings'
[00000001] main libvlc debug: translation test: code is "C"
[00000001] main libvlc: Found old config file at /home/topgun/.vlc/vlcrc VLC will now use /home/topgun/.config/vlc/vlcrc.
Exception in thread "main" org.videolan.jvlc.VLCException: not implemented
at org.videolan.jvlc.Audio._install_callback(Native Method)
at org.videolan.jvlc.Audio.install_callback(
at org.videolan.jvlc.Audio.<init>(
at org.videolan.jvlc.JVLC.<init>(
at VLCExample.main(

This stack is easy enough to follow in the code. I looked at the file bindings/java/src/callback-jni.c and sure enough from as best as I can tell, this method will always throw this exception...and it seems this method will always be called. Since this is called by the JVLC constructor I begin to does this work ever?

My environment and how I built this...
I am using Java 1.6 to build and execute.
For reasons I can't get into, I did the svn co on my home Linux system [on 9/24/2007] which is an FC7.
I did the ./bootstrap there and then copied all the tree over to my work Linux system which is FC6.
[I could not get the ./configure to work on FC7...issues with required packages and version conflicts]
[I could not get the ./bootstrap working on FC6 mostly because of the older autoconf there...which I
can not upgrade because the new version is not available for FC6]
The build on FC6 worked fine. Also did a 'make install'.
Prior to running 'java VLCExample', I setup my library path as recommended elsewhere in the postings
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/opt/jdk1.6/jre/lib/i386/xawt

And there we have all the facts as best as I can recall.
Thanks for your attention to this!!!


Re: JVLC VLCExample Exception: install_callback not implemented

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 09:21
by Gujs
Did you find out any solution for this error:

Code: Select all

Exception in thread "main" org.videolan.jvlc.VLCException: not implemented at org.videolan.jvlc.Audio._install_callback(Native Method) at org.videolan.jvlc.Audio.install_callaback( at org.videolan.jvlc.Audio.<init>( at org.videolan.jvlc.JVLC.<init>( at vlc.VLCExample.main(

Re: JVLC VLCExample Exception: install_callback not implemented

Posted: 07 Nov 2007 15:52
by johnlet
the answer is No, I have never found out how to run the example without getting this error.

However I have been able to write and run some very simple examples, like SwingClient, on my Windows/XP system. Yet, I had to run them from a batch file and not via Eclipse. My current issue there is not being able to load a class [jvlc].

Is anyone out there able to use JVLC on Windows or Linux and "easily" run the programs via Eclipse and/or command line?

It seems this part of VideoLan is not ready for prime time...even by friendly users.


Re: JVLC VLCExample Exception: install_callback not implemented

Posted: 08 Nov 2007 13:23
by johnlet
Sharing my success

In my reply yesterday I was asking if anyone had luck running jvlc apps under Eclipse. Well, I spent a good bit of time yesterday studying and re-reading various post and have put together something that works! Some of these steps I did about a month ago, so I might not be 100% accurate, but you all can see if it works for you and confirm/tweak things.

1) This was done on an Windows XP system, but I'm thinking the same basic issues would need to be resolved on Linux.
1.1) Download a pre-built set of binaries - ...
1.2) I unpacked this under C:\jvlc

2) I use cygwin, and already had a launch script for eclipse [setup of java home etc.], so I modified this to change the PATH to include my Java JDK run-time environment bin, and the path to the above folder...there are .dll files there to find
PATH=$PATH:$JDK/jre/bin:/cygdrive/c/jvlc # Note special syntax for cygwin, those are colon separators

3) Start eclipse. Any project using jvlc needs a java build path library entry to - C:\jvlc\jvlc.jar

4) Very early in the process, libraries need to be loaded. Inside of my main() method I added these:

5) When it comes time to create and use jvlc assets, like a JVLCCanvas, you need to tell jvlc where the plugins are:
String[] args = new String[1];
args[0] = "--plugin-path=C:\\jvlc\\plugins"; // Note double backslash in Java string literals
JVLC j = new JVLC( args );
JVLCCanvas jcanvas = new JVLCCanvas( j );

That is it !!! Now to work on application code and worry less about environmental junk. 8)
