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Appearance of VLC + wxgtk1 (with screenshots)

Posted: 02 Jul 2007 09:29
by bsod_gcc
Hello all,
I have compiled VLC 0.8.6c with wxgtk1 (version from Debian unstable). The player is stable enough for normal usage. The problem is, there are black areas appearing in all interface panels. My question is, can any of the code in 'modules/gui/wxwidgets/' be changed to improve this?
I did `grep -i black *.cpp` in 'modules/gui/wxwidgets/' and found 2 instances of 'wxBLACK' in 'video.cpp':

Code: Select all

if( !b_auto_size ) { SetBackgroundColour( *wxBLACK ); if( p_child_window ) p_child_window->SetBackgroundColour( *wxBLACK ); }
After googling, I changed these to 'wxLIGHT_GREY' and did `make clean ; make`. Then I copied the new '' to my VLC installation. But this did not work.

Here are screenshots showing the problem: ... df83_o.gif ... f1a0_o.gif ... e5d6_o.gif ... dbe4_o.gif ... f435_o.gif