Compilation error with VLC-0.8.6a on Debian etch
Posted: 29 Mar 2007 15:10
I have a problem with the compilation of VLC-0.8.6a on Debian etch.
I executed all the steps written in this page
I downloaded the vlc-0.8.6a.tar.gz
$tar -xvzf vlc-0.8.6.a.tar.gz
$cd extras/contrib
And after make
The result is:
I don't know why I got this error
Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance!
I executed all the steps written in this page
I downloaded the vlc-0.8.6a.tar.gz
$tar -xvzf vlc-0.8.6.a.tar.gz
$cd extras/contrib
And after make
The result is:
Code: Select all
make src
make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire " /home/rbarbe/VLC0.8.6a-1/vlc-0.8.6a/extras/contrib "
make -C src all
make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire " /home/rbarbe/VLC0.8.6a-1/vlc-0.8.6a/extras/contrib/src "
=> `fribidi-0.10.4.tar.gz'
Résolution de
Connexion vers||:80...connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...200 OK
Longueur: 447 825 (437K) [application/x-tar]
100%[=============================================================>] 447 825 138.48K/s ETA 00:00
11:20:02 (138.16 KB/s) - " fribidi-0.10.4.tar.gz " sauvegardé [447825/447825]
rm -rf fribidi || true
tar xzf fribidi-0.10.4.tar.gz --exclude='[*?:<>\|]'
mv fribidi-0.10.4 fribidi || true
touch fribidi
patch -p 0 < Patches/fribidi.patch.real
patching file fribidi/acinclude.m4
(cd fribidi; rm -f configure; ./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=/home/rbarbe/VLC0.8.6a-1/vlc-0.8.6a/e xtras/contrib && make && make install)
./bootstrap: line 4: aclocal: command not found
make[2]: *** [.fribidi] Erreur 127
make[2]: quittant le répertoire " /home/rbarbe/VLC0.8.6a-1/vlc-0.8.6a/extras/contrib/src "
make[1]: *** [src] Erreur 2
make[1]: quittant le répertoire " /home/rbarbe/VLC0.8.6a-1/vlc-0.8.6a/extras/contrib "
make: *** [all] Erreur 2
Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance!