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VLC on Zaurus (SL-6000L)

Posted: 26 Feb 2007 11:35
by djerem

I have a Zaurus SL-6000L (aka Tosa) and I am trying to put VLC on it.

I used OpenEmbedded project to compile and install software and I manage to recompile a recent version of VLC (0.8.6) with QTE and FB support. I am not using original version of Linux provided by Sharp but using OpenZaurus project.

But I have a problem with the FB support. Apparently, when I play a video, it appears multiple times, as shown by this screenshot: ... 4_2004.png

If you look very close to the screenshot, you see that there are 3 differents pictures that should be supperposed at the same place and there are not (because each picture have differents "stripes"/part of the original picture, and I think that if we put all the pictures at the same position, we obtain the original image).

Do you think the problem is comming from VLC? Or from the driver of the FB of the Zaurus? Or from the video/codec (it is a MPEG4 video in AVI)? Do you have any options to pass to VLC for the FB driver? Or any other solutions I should try?

(I have also done some tests with MPlayer and I manage to make it work with the fbdev and fbdev2 ouptut drivers without this problem, but I would prefer to have VLC...)

I am using openzaurus with a Linux 2.6.16 with some patches for the Tosa.

If you need more information, do not hesitate.

Thanks in adavance for the help!

Best regards,


Posted: 26 Feb 2007 12:03
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Well, noone had compiled VLC for Zaurus for a long time. Did you do a lot of modifications to get it compile ? To compile the contribs ?

Can you publish it somewhere ?

For your problem, does it happen to you on all movies ?

Posted: 28 Feb 2007 03:17
by ChrisCCF
Hello djerem,

What's your config about vlc?

Can you post it out?

Posted: 28 Feb 2007 07:14
by ChrisCCF
If you are configure with --enable-qte and play with qvfb. I probably know the solution.

set your qvfb size to square e.g. 320x320 and the depth is 16.

The problem gone.

I think this could be a temp soln for you.

Posted: 14 Mar 2007 19:21
by djerem
Sorry for the long time before answering!

* j-b:
To compile VLC I do not some modifications to VLC itself. I have done some into the compilation system of some dependencies (ffmpeg, faad2).
I have tested with video in streaming in MPEG2 and MPEG4 (streamed by a VLC from a debian/unstable/marillat repository) and I still have the problem. I will test it with a local file in divx/avi format (I have more memory space now).
You want the small patches I have done for the compilation of faad2/ffmpeg ?

* ChrisCCF:
In fact, I do not do some modification to the VLC config file.
I did not use qvfb program to do the test, do you think the problem can still come from it? If I want to try your solution (square screen with 16 of depth), how I do it? By adding a new mode in fb.modes?

You can find here the log of the configuration part done by OE. You will find here (line 58) the options I gave to configure.



Posted: 14 Mar 2007 19:43
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I am interested in any patch to the contrib system to compile VLC and the external libs. I am interested in any HOWTO you wrote about that compilation:D