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downloaded vlc for suse 10.2, can't play mpeg files nor dvd
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 21:18
by good1mred
I'm new to this so I apologize if I've missed or don't understand something. I have 3 suse10.2 machines, all recently built, and have been successful in downloading-installing vlc on each, however only 1 machine can play dvd's, mpg, and wmv files. The other 2 can only play wmv files. The vlc player doesn't show any errors and just crashes after either the dvd or mpg file is selected for play. I have carefully taken notes, re-installed (several times) and I don't see where the differences can be. FYI, Xine works fine on all machines and freely plays all file types and dvd's, so device functionality, access, etc., are working for all machines. I confess to being less than certain where/what should be installed, as I have never gotten clear on requirements, directory structures, etc., but I did reference the "working" machine in doing the other installs. Additionally, all software was downloaded-installed using YAST after additional sources were added. I had trouble with software updates and conflicts before I got religious about only using YAST for everything, after machines were running and I couldn't update them due to numerous dependency conflicts. Still further, xine-lib and w32codecs, as well as vlc binaries were installed from the same source as the working machine. Any good reference for requirements, etc., or an idea of what/how vlc should be installed might be helpful. Thanks, Ed
Posted: 20 Feb 2007 13:34
by dimstar
VLC is available in an own repository, that is maintained by VLC project members. See
Be sure to get VLC from that source and that all the dependencies can be satisfied. For openSUSE 10.2, everything should be available in the repository.
One more thing: be sure to use the libmpeg2 from our repository, and you should not have any troubles.
Posted: 20 Feb 2007 13:45
by dimstar
btw: neither xine-lib nor w32codec is required for VLC to run porperly.
For further help, please post the output of the command
rpm -q vlc ffmpeg libmpeg2
Posted: 08 Apr 2007 20:01
by spegru
I have the same problem
kaffeine/xine open DVDs ok and VLC opens video files ok , but DVDs just crash.
My vlc was downloaded from the videolan repository mentioned earlier in this thread.
Any ideas?
Posted: 09 Apr 2007 23:54
by spegru
interestingly, I have now tested 3pcs, all with suse10.2, one of them (a Dell laptop) works fine with DVDs !
but the other (desktop)machines (one a 32 bit the other a 64 bit) both crash on DVDs
is this problem hardware specific?
Posted: 10 Apr 2007 14:13
by dimstar
I can only guess so far (I'm maintaining the packages for VLC on SUSE, and use 10.2 on x86_64 and i586. . both work for sure).
The problem with lockups on DVD play is most found if you have installed the libmpeg2 from PM.
please check the version using
rpm -q libmpeg2
if there is a .pm. in the name, this might be your problem. change to the version from the VLC repository.
Posted: 10 Apr 2007 21:52
by spegru
Thanks very much for that Dimstar
It sorted out two of my problem PCs!
How does it happen that two repositories have different version of the same file??
Anyway that just leaves one more (32b) that still doesnt work, so is there anything similar to look out for?
Posted: 11 Apr 2007 12:52
by dimstar
I assume by 32b you refer to the 32bit version of VLC?
I don't know of any other problems (except, as pointed out: be sure to use all the libraries and packages from the VLC repository, found at ) then you should not have any problems.
Should there BE problems, please post them here, if possible together with the output from VLC, as this helps usually tracing it down.
Dominique, a.k.a. DimStar (Dim*)
Still in trouble
Posted: 23 May 2007 15:23
by valber
I'm running into the same problem. Mpeg files just don't play in VLC. Actually it looks like it would play something (I can hear an initial sound) but then it crashes, the VLC window disappears. My machine's OS is a SuSE 10.0 (yes, I know it's already kind of old).
I've installed all VLC files from the VLC repository mentioned above using YaST, but when I type in konsole: rpm -q libmpeg2, as Dimstar suggested, I get an I've looked at the repository through a webbrowser and found out there really exists only one rpm file for libmpeg2: libmpeg2-0.0.1145-2.0.i586.rpm (which I already have installed) besides the others related to development. And that even under SuSE 10.2 directory.
If anyone could tell me what it's really supposed to be done, I'd be very thankful.
Posted: 24 May 2007 10:44
by dimstar
You seem to have the PackMan repository active in your system. Thus you get the PM version installed.
you can go to yast software management, search for libmpeg2 and under the versions tab you should be able to select the version from the VLC repo.
In the Software updater, be sure to ignore updates for libmpeg2 coming from PM. Then you should be safe.
It worked!
Posted: 28 May 2007 17:44
by valber
Thanks a lot, Dimmstar, the different source versions were the problem. Now VLC plays mpeg fine.
See you!