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VLC with Qtopia

Posted: 12 Feb 2007 12:10
by 6arts

I'm working under a VOD embeded project and I want to use VLC with Qtopia.
My problem is that VLC haven't had a plugin to work with Qtopia. Indeed, VLC ouput works only with X11, sdl and fb.

I've look for an existant plugin in google but i found anything!!!

Therefore, there is a Qte plugin in vlc. Is it possible to modify this plugin to make it work with Qtopia??


Posted: 23 Feb 2007 13:00
by ChrisCCF
I encountered the same problem as you...

I have seen a successful case. Of course, I am not succeeded.

You can refer to my post

I only make qt+VLC worked in qvfb "partially".

Posted: 23 Feb 2007 13:01
by ChrisCCF
If you can read chinese, the link inside the thread can be useful.
