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Crash when using a skin

Posted: 06 Sep 2006 19:47
by sebwouaib

My config :
- VLC 0.8.5
- Suse 10.1 x86_64

When I want to use the skins2 interface, VLC crashes.

Sorry no log because ... I have tried to post 4 times the log and each time a mysql error occured with "adding word" error....

I can post part of log if necessary

Thanks for help

Posted: 07 Sep 2006 08:12
by ipkiss
What do you do exactly to get the crash?
Did you try resetting your preferences?
You can paste your logs to

Posted: 07 Sep 2006 18:07
by sebwouaib
here my log :

I am launching VLC without having any .vlc directory in my home with :

Code: Select all

sebwouaib@sebpc:~> vlc -I skins2 -vv
Thanks for help

Posted: 08 Sep 2006 19:40
by ipkiss
The crash seem to occur in the FT2Font::drawString method (so when trying to render the font of the skins), but i don't know where exactly.
Could you run the program in gdb please? Just run 'gdb vlc', and at the gdb prompt 'run -vv -I skins2'. Then, after the crash, type 'bt' to have a backtrace with line numbers...

Posted: 08 Sep 2006 19:54
by sebwouaib

thanks for helping me :wink:

Posted: 09 Sep 2006 17:56
by ipkiss
Hum, your last output doesn't correspond to a crash, and it has nothing to do with the first output.
Let's do this differently: in your shell, run 'ulimit -c unlimited', then 'vlc -I skins2 -vv'. This will generate a core file in the current directory (named core.<pid> probably). Then run 'gdb vlc core_file', and at the gdb prompt type 'bt' for the backtrace.

Thanks for your help too :)

Posted: 09 Sep 2006 18:33
by sebwouaib
ulimit -c unlimited
vlc -I skins2 -vv

gdb vlc core.7178

in my previous log, I do not have deleted my .vlc directory

Posted: 09 Sep 2006 21:17
by ipkiss
Unfortunately, there is still no line number :-(
I guess that you would have to compile vlc in debug mode to get it (or to use a nightly build). Do you feel like trying it? Without the line number of the crash, and without being able to reproduce it myself, i don't see how to fix it...

Posted: 09 Sep 2006 21:30
by sebwouaib
what should I do exactly in order to compile correctly VLC ? (which commands)

configure, make, make install ?

Posted: 10 Sep 2006 22:15
by ipkiss
Yes, basically. The hardest part is to have the needed dependencies, but in your case you can disable most of them. Just make sure to use --enable-skins2 and --enable-freetype. ffmpeg may be useful too.
Have a look at the INSTALL file in the source tree...