Compiling mozilla-plugin-vlc using yum

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 30 Nov 2005 18:08

Compiling mozilla-plugin-vlc using yum

Postby clive1246 » 24 Jul 2006 21:00

I have for many months been trying to install the mozilla-plugin-vlc for Fedora 4.
I evbentually got videolan-client-0.8.4a-1.2.fc4 to install using yum but it did not give me the mozilla plugin.
I have today spent 8 hours searching and reading how to get the mozilla plugin but have gone round in circles
Can some kind sole tell me how to compile videolan-client-0.8.4a-1.2.fc4 enabling mozilla using yum.
Your help would be greatly appreciated


Postby alec_robertson » 25 Jul 2006 18:07

You can grab the svn-vlc (svn co svn:// vlc) and install the necessary dependencies from yum, then configure with the "--enable-mozilla" option.

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