Please help make VLC works with Fedoro 5
Posted: 28 Jun 2006 13:48
Everytime I tried to play a video file (.wmv .avi .mpeg) or MP3, VLC would start up for less than 1 sec and then disappeared??
Here is how I installed VLC** in FC5 as root and I got no errors messages during the installation and VLC appers under Applications/Sound & Video
su -
yum -y install videolan-client
**VLC media player 0.8.5 (wxWidgets interface)
Thanks in advance for your help....VLC is my only player in XP and this is the first time trying out Linux/FC5 and I would very much like to make VLC my only player also.
Here is how I installed VLC** in FC5 as root and I got no errors messages during the installation and VLC appers under Applications/Sound & Video
su -
yum -y install videolan-client
**VLC media player 0.8.5 (wxWidgets interface)
Thanks in advance for your help....VLC is my only player in XP and this is the first time trying out Linux/FC5 and I would very much like to make VLC my only player also.