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Posted: 01 Jun 2006 13:27
by natalinobalasso
Hi all,
I've just downloaded vlc using svn, and in gui's dir I've found qt4 subdir, so I would know if a gui implementation based on qt4 will be really supported or that code is related to old vlc gui?
Thanks alot in advance for your responce.
By natalino

Posted: 01 Jun 2006 17:01
by zorglub

Hopefully it will. The goal is to replace the current WX interface with a new QT4-based one.

Posted: 01 Jun 2006 17:18
by natalinobalasso
Thanks for your response.
Exists a design or a todo list?
Can I help you?

how about the plan and progress of the qt4 interface ?

Posted: 31 Jul 2006 04:40
by tyrone.yimin
i download the source code from SVN, and using --enable-qt4 option to run confiigure,but it's seems the qt4 source code not be compiled. please give me some idea.or does qt4 interface not be full implemented?

Posted: 31 Jul 2006 16:56
by zorglub

The Qt4 interface is far from being complete, but it should compile OK.

Have you installed the Qt4 development libraries and qt4 development tools (moc, rcc and uic).

natalinobalasso: a "todo" is available at
We would quite welcome some help, you can join us on, channel #videolan to discuss it.


join the development

Posted: 05 Aug 2006 14:07
by tyrone.yimin
I hope to join the development of the qt4 interface for vlc, any suggestion?

About VLC QT4 interface project progress

Posted: 07 Aug 2006 11:00
by kotao_78

The Qt4 interface is far from being complete, but it should compile OK.

Have you installed the Qt4 development libraries and qt4 development tools (moc, rcc and uic).

natalinobalasso: a "todo" is available at
We would quite welcome some help, you can join us on, channel #videolan to discuss it.

HI , How about the progress of VLC QT4 interface project?

Posted: 07 Aug 2006 11:02
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You can checkout the svn to see the advanced. However, it is not usable, since all menus and dialog boxes have not yet be implemented