cannot stream using vlc 0.8.5

*nix specific usage questions

cannot stream using vlc 0.8.5

Postby pranathi » 20 May 2006 22:58

I have successfully compiled vlc-0.8.5 source code in fedora core 4.Im able to play the video locally but im not able to stream. Is there anyone who can help me out.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 14
Joined: 14 Apr 2006 12:21
Location: Tampere/Finland

Postby lkondrad » 21 May 2006 18:33

What does it mean you can not stream. Did you check if you are able to receive on the same computer what you are sending. Check ttl. What are you settings ??



Postby JayKL » 23 May 2006 19:40

This sounds like my problem although I dont think its 0.8.5 I am using. Forgive me if this is stoopid but I am TOTALLY new to Linux, just installed Ubuntu today on my lappy and found VLC and installed it.

When I choose a file to be opened from a samba share (file on an XP computer) VLC justsits there and nothing happens... When I copy the file over to the linux box it plays fine.

Also, why is ther no browse network dialog a la windows? So one can choose files to play from VLC directly?

Before anyone asks, the network is way fast enough fro streaming media...

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