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relocation error: /usr/lib/ ?

Posted: 17 Apr 2006 10:08
by tchoua

I tried to update my vlc from plf on a mandrake 10.0 community but the update doesn't seem to be ok.
I didn't get any error for the update but when !i try to launch vlc I get the error :
vlc: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN11libmatroska16KaxInternalBlock9SetParentERNS_10KaxClusterE
I could'nt find any solution on the web, may be some one as an idea on how to solve this problem ?



Posted: 17 Apr 2006 11:20
by AsMaX
It seems your vlc was compiled with libmatroska, and either you didn't install libmatroska, or you don't have the right version...

Posted: 17 Apr 2006 12:04
by tchoua
iIt seems that this lib is installed on my system
[root@localhost /]# urpmi libmatroska0
Tout est déjà installé
(every things is already installed)
if I do a find -name libmatroska0 I get nothing !

what's wrong with it ?
