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web interface playlist

Posted: 02 Apr 2006 15:48
by hplus
I have a problem with the 0.8.5, the web interface doesnt display the playlist,
i can sometimes manage to have the paylist displayed by reloading many times but most of the time, the playlist is empty.
i have a "?" displayed instead of the root item of the playlist....
does anybody have the same problem ?

Posted: 25 May 2006 10:20
by Guest
same here - on all new versions since 0.8.4a (which works ok)
my guess: weird encoding ow filename on playlist.

Posted: 25 May 2006 15:16
by dionoea
Does the /requests/playlist.xml file display alright? Do you have any javascript errors detected by your browser? (how long is your playlist?)

(btw, if you want to use the old playlist, it is still available in /old/ )

Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 13 Jan 2009 17:08
by jshall
I realize this is an old one, but I've experienced the same problem in recent versions as well. It appears that /requests/playlist.xml does not properly encode '&' characters (perhaps others too) causing an xml parsing error.

Has anyone found a workaround to this or submitted a ticket to Trac?

Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 13 Jan 2009 22:14
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Not that I know

Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 21:33
by schnorginator
I realize this is an old one, but I've experienced the same problem in recent versions as well. It appears that /requests/playlist.xml does not properly encode '&' characters (perhaps others too) causing an xml parsing error.
I can confirm this, if you have filenames with '&' in the name the playlist will not load because it is not & encoded, and this is why the webinterface is not displaying the current songname too.
a workaround would be to install apache, change the path in the .js file to the apache-server, and on-request (localhost:80/newplaylist.xml.php): load the playlist.xml from localhost:8080/requests/playlist.xml and replace &->&
change the functions.js to load the xml-file as textfile, replace &->& and parse the string as xml-file.

Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 22:34
by schnorginator
Here my quick&dirty workaround (tested in ff3 and ie7)
1. Open "VideoLAN\VLC\http\js\functions.js"
2. replace line 540 (var answer = req.responseXML.documentElement;) by this rows:
var answer = null;
var rtext = req.responseText.replace(/&(?!amp;)/g,"&");
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
answer = xmlDoc.documentElement;
} else if (window.DOMParser) {
parser=new DOMParser();
answer = xmlDoc.documentElement;

3. replace
if( ! elt.parentNode ) break;
elt = elt.parentNode.nextSibling;
pos = pos.parentNode;

by this:
if( ! elt.parentNode ) break;
elt = elt.parentNode.nextSibling;
if (pos) {
pos = pos.parentNode;
} else {

4. save file and F5 in browser

Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 15 Mar 2009 23:23
by dye
I am having a similar problem, but for album titles that have quotes (") in them, fairly common for classical music:

Error: not well-formed
Source File: http://musicserver:8080/requests/playlist.xml
Line: 3625, Column: 85
Source Code:
<node id="444" name="Munch, Charles, Boston Symphony Orchestra - Symphony No.6 "Pathetique", Romeo and Juliet" ro="rw" >

An chance of a general fix getting into the pipeline? Is there a bug # for these problems?


Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 16 Mar 2009 00:59
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You have to escape "

Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 09:48
by schnorginator
You have to escape "
Haha you are funny man,
1. its not that easy to replace " by \" like &->& in javascript.
2. the devs have to wake up, these escape bugs can be fixed in 5 minutes but no one feels responsible to it.

Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 15:26
by xtophe
2. the devs have to wake up, these escape bugs can be fixed in 5 minutes but no one feels responsible to it.
Users have to wake up, these escape bugs can be fixed in 5 minutes and patches sent to vlc-devel@ in 2 mins.

Re: web interface playlist

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 23:35
by Omala
2. the devs have to wake up, these escape bugs can be fixed in 5 minutes but no one feels responsible to it.
Users have to wake up, these escape bugs can be fixed in 5 minutes and patches sent to vlc-devel@ in 2 mins.
Oh wow, another question I went searching for an answer to, just to find a wise 'donkey' remark as an answer. Which could easily be beaten by wit from the World of Warcraft forums.


Listen, if you chose to take on the responsibility of "Big Kahuna", you should probably own up to it instead of acting as though you're too good for everyone. It's no wonder people are desperately seeking a VLC replacement. It's a shame this lump of dung is the best thing going right now. I know 5 year olds who have more interest in what they start. I look forward to the next project that steps up.

You could care less though, you're officially non-profit.