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Linux Newbie trying to install VLC on SuSE10

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 13:29
by Tranbert
Hey guys,

Well, I think I am way over my head. Recently i've started using SuSE Linux 10. I am totally new with linux and it seems like a really great operating system.
What i dont have though is a video player. I've used VLC with windows and its awesome! My only problem is that i can't get this thing to work on linux.

So if there's somebody kind enough to help, please do! I need super dumbed down step by step details on how to get VLC working on linux!

Thanks for all your help guys!

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 13:12
by Teetrinker
Install the RPM from PackMan.

Add PackMan to your Installation sources for YAST. ... es#Packman

After that you can install VLC with YAST.


Posted: 03 Mar 2006 03:56
by Tranbert
Thanks a bunch guys! i haven't tried this out yet, but i'll let you guys know what happens when i do.