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Does VLC work in Ubuntu?
Posted: 13 Feb 2006 11:46
by Guest
Being the total newbie I am, I have trouble finding a good video and music player for my Ubuntu-system. Then again I have tried VLC on Windows and I liked it a lot. So I was wondering whether it would also work on Ubuntu, with it being Debian-based and all.
Thanks for reading and even more thanks to those who reply.
Posted: 13 Feb 2006 16:29
by AtomicWaste
I tried the ubuntu live cd and in their package system was vlc available.
I installed it through their system (only 0.8.2, I think) and it worked well. I don't know with which options it's compiled for ubuntu, but playback of divx/mp3 video files worked, I tried nothing else.
Posted: 17 Feb 2006 07:16
by casey.dunn
Works great even nightlys (well nightlys work as good as nightlys ever do
Compile VLC Ubuntu Brezzy
Posted: 19 Feb 2006 21:35
by didjit86
Works great even nightlys (well nightlys work as good as nightlys ever do
Any quick suggestions/docs how to compile in Brezzy? Been trying different ways for a few days w/no avail. Just want VLC so I can use these modules