How to stop VLC from asking for SMB credentials when accessing via hostname instead of local IP?

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New Cone
New Cone
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How to stop VLC from asking for SMB credentials when accessing via hostname instead of local IP?

Postby ConcernedGrimace » 14 Oct 2023 16:27

This is probably a known issue but wasn't able to find a useful answer on Google or the forums. VLC keeps asking for SMB credentials when accessing a SMB share via hostname instead of local IP. Via local IP it uses the credentials I used to access the file via the file manager (Dolphin, Fedora KDE) and plays the files normally without asking for credentials. I know I can put the credentials into vlc and ask it to store them but is there a way to stop VLC from doing this when accessing the share via hostname without having to store the credentials in vlc?

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