at firsst it would just blackscreen whenever i played the video then i set my output to opengl and set hardware acceleration to off and now when i play the video it jsut flashes the vlc logo
i get these errors
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main error: buffer deadlock prevented
gl error: shader 0: 0:1(12): warning: extension `GL_OES_EGL_image_external' unsupported in fragment shader 0:2(1): error: syntax error, unexpeccted NEW_IDENTIFIER
gl error: shader program: error: linking with uncompiled/unspecialized shader
gl error: unable to use program
main error: video output creation failed
main error: failed to create video output
mmal_codec error: Failed to change output port format
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main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
the file is a standard mp4 file and when i tried to play it on my windows laptop it worked perfectly fine
in this example im using a raspberry 3 b+ and im playing the file from a usb drive that is plugged into the rpi
i tried playing the file from the desktop but that didnt change anything