GoPro MAX 360 Photo treated as flat photo
Posted: 09 Dec 2022 03:11
I understand that VLC is expected to be able to recognise "360°" photos (i.e. not just videos) and automatically enter the spherical viewer mode when it does so.
I've taken a (many...) "360 Photos" with a GoPro MAX. The photos contain apparently reasonable metadata to specify this. e.g.
Nonetheless, VLC displays the image as a flat one, with the entire projected image as a single rectangle and no ability to pan/tilt/zoom. Spherical videos from the same camera are successfully recognised by the same installation of VLC and the pan/tilt/zoom controls work as expected. My problem and question are about still 360 Photos only.
I have poked around and not been able to find documented what metadata VLC is looking for to cause it to enter the spherical viewer mode (I confess that I've not studied the source code). Is this documented somewhere? Is Xmp.GPano.ProjectionType an appropriate tag for this purpose? Have I missed a control or setting somewhere?
I've taken a (many...) "360 Photos" with a GoPro MAX. The photos contain apparently reasonable metadata to specify this. e.g.
Code: Select all
$ exiv2 -PX GS__0079.JPG
Xmp.GPano.UsePanoramaViewer XmpText 4 True
Xmp.GPano.CaptureSoftware XmpText 9 GoPro Max
Xmp.GPano.StitchingSoftware XmpText 9 GoPro Max
Xmp.GPano.ProjectionType XmpText 15 equirectangular
Xmp.GPano.PoseHeadingDegrees XmpText 3 0.0
Xmp.GPano.PosePitchDegrees XmpText 3 0.0
Xmp.GPano.PoseRollDegrees XmpText 3 0.0
Xmp.GPano.InitialViewHeadingDegrees XmpText 3 0.0
Xmp.GPano.InitialViewPitchDegrees XmpText 3 0.0
Xmp.GPano.InitialViewRollDegrees XmpText 3 0.0
Xmp.GPano.InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees XmpText 3 0.0
Xmp.GPano.InitialVerticalFOVDegrees XmpText 3 0.0
Xmp.GPano.CroppedAreaLeftPixels XmpText 1 0
Xmp.GPano.CroppedAreaTopPixels XmpText 1 0
Xmp.GPano.CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels XmpText 4 5760
Xmp.GPano.CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels XmpText 4 2880
Xmp.GPano.FullPanoWidthPixels XmpText 4 5760
Xmp.GPano.FullPanoHeightPixels XmpText 4 2880
Xmp.GPano.FirstPhotoDate XmpText 19 2022:12:09 09:13:26
Xmp.GPano.LastPhotoDate XmpText 19 2022:12:09 09:13:26
Xmp.GPano.SourcePhotosCount XmpText 1 2
Xmp.GPano.ExposureLockUsed XmpText 5 False
Xmp.GPano.InitialCameraDolly XmpText 3 0.0
I have poked around and not been able to find documented what metadata VLC is looking for to cause it to enter the spherical viewer mode (I confess that I've not studied the source code). Is this documented somewhere? Is Xmp.GPano.ProjectionType an appropriate tag for this purpose? Have I missed a control or setting somewhere?
Code: Select all
$ vlc --version
VLC media player 3.0.16 Vetinari (revision 3.0.13-8-g41878ff4f2)
VLC version 3.0.16 Vetinari (3.0.13-8-g41878ff4f2)
Compiled by buildd on lcy02-amd64-108.buildd (Mar 13 2022 08:00:10)
Compiler: gcc version 11.2.0 (Ubuntu 11.2.0-18ubuntu1)
This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
see the file named COPYING for details.
Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file.