chromecast renderer not working?
Posted: 18 Jul 2022 16:59
After arguing for some sort of remote control feature for vlc for android similar to what is available on Linux to allow me to operate it from my Linux laptop without success, I decided today to try using the renderer support for chromecast as others had suggested. It was not a success.
I am running vlc from my distro repositories on linux mint 20.3 x64 here. I started playing an internet radio stream and the went to the Playback->Renderer menu entry and selected one of my chromecast devices. The local audio stopped and the timer continued to count indicating the stream was still being played, but there was no audio from the chromecast.
As I have the stream2chromecast scripts installed, I used them to query what was going on and got:
So it appears that the Default Media Receiver was started by the change of renderer, but I still hear nothing. I am not totally familiar with the chromecast status display, but a quick look at the stream2chromecast code indicates that media_status ought to be "PLAYING" if it were doing so.
Any suggestions to get this working?
I am running vlc from my distro repositories on linux mint 20.3 x64 here. I started playing an internet radio stream and the went to the Playback->Renderer menu entry and selected one of my chromecast devices. The local audio stopped and the timer continued to count indicating the stream was still being played, but there was no audio from the chromecast.
As I have the stream2chromecast scripts installed, I used them to query what was going on and got:
Code: Select all
dhdurgee@z560:~/Downloads$ -status
searching the network for a cast receiving device
Sending mDNS query
device found:
enough devices found
device name: TVision HUB v2
{'applications': [{'statusText': u'Default Media Receiver', 'displayName': u'Default Media Receiver', 'appId': u'CC1AD845'}], 'host': '', 'client': ('', 41994), 'media_status': None, 'receiver_status': {u'displayName': u'Default Media Receiver', u'appType': u'WEB', u'statusText': u'Default Media Receiver', u'transportId': u'4683ca64-effb-495d-80f8-5bfe9eec38e5', u'isIdleScreen': False, u'launchedFromCloud': False, u'iconUrl': u'', u'sessionId': u'4683ca64-effb-495d-80f8-5bfe9eec38e5', u'namespaces': [{u'name': u''}, {u'name': u''}, {u'name': u''}, {u'name': u''}], u'appId': u'CC1AD845', u'universalAppId': u'CC1AD845'}}
Any suggestions to get this working?