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MLR error after upgrading debian 10 to debian 11

Posted: 24 Jan 2022 22:06
by Chano
Hi, I had my debian 10 machine working perfectly with vlc but, after updating it to debian 11 it's not working any more.

I'm getting this error: (sorry, in spanish)

Code: Select all

VLC es incapaz de abrir el MRL «rtsp://». Vea el registro para más detalles.
I've completely disbled iptables just in case, but still doesn't work.

I've setup debug loggind and this is what I can see in syslog:

Code: Select all

Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: no art finder modules matched Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: Failed to setup RTSP session Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: net: connecting to port 554 Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: connection succeeded (socket = 23) Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: Cseq mismatch, got 1, assumed 0 Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: rtsp connected Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: only real/helix rtsp servers supported for now Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: no access modules matched Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: dead input Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: changing item without a request (current 0/1) Jan 24 21:55:49 SJC vlc[13440]: nothing to play Jan 24 21:55:56 SJC vlc[13440]: Video is not needed anymore
Any clue?

Thx in advance for your help.

Re: MLR error after upgrading debian 10 to debian 11

Posted: 25 Jan 2022 13:20
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Debian dropped support for RTSP in their VLC builds, so this is expected.

Re: MLR error after upgrading debian 10 to debian 11

Posted: 08 Aug 2022 11:28
by amcrest
Debian dropped support for RTSP in their VLC builds, so this is expected.
The same problem occurs with a local build. I compiled VLC version 3.0.16 Vetinari (3.0.13-8-g41878ff4f2) from source on Debian 11, after "./configure --enable-realrtsp".

The error is in "vlc -vv 'rtsp://me:passwd@' " on a viable rtsp stream that is viewable in the VLC Android app and other viewers such as ffplay.

Output was saved in debug.log, but the gui error was "Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp://me:passwd@'. Check the log for details.", so I did:
$ grep -i rtsp debug.log
[000055d9434a65b0] main libvlc debug: configured with ./configure '--enable-realrtsp' '--prefix=/home/me'
[000055d943523210] main playlist debug: resyncing on rtsp://
[000055d943523210] main playlist debug: rtsp:// is at 0
[00007faec0000c80] main input debug: Creating an input for 'rtsp://'
[00007faec0000c80] main input debug: `rtsp://me:passwd@' gives access `rtsp' demux `any' path `me:passwd@'
[00007faeb8000fe0] main input source debug: creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='any' location='me:passwd@' file='(null)'
[00007faeb80011a0] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module matching "rtsp": 15 candidates
[00007faeb8001650] main stream debug: creating access: rtsp://me:passwd@
[00007faeb8001650] main stream debug: looking for access module matching "rtsp": 23 candidates
[00007faeb8001650] satip stream debug: try to open 'rtsp://me:passwd@'
[00007faeb8001650] satip stream error: Failed to setup RTSP session
[00007faeb8001650] access_realrtsp stream warning: Cseq mismatch, got 1, assumed 0
[00007faeb8001650] access_realrtsp stream debug: rtsp connected
[00007faeb8001650] access_realrtsp stream warning: only real/helix rtsp servers supported for now
[000055d943523210] main playlist debug: deleting item `rtsp://'
Some package is missing somewhere, as the same code on Debian 10 works great. Any ideas, please?

Re: MLR error after upgrading debian 10 to debian 11

Posted: 08 Aug 2022 18:14
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Of course if you don't enable the RTSP support, like Debian, then you get the same problem. That's with Live555.

RealRTSP only works and only ever worked with RealNetwork's RealMedia servers, as the error says and as the name implies.

Re: MLR error after upgrading debian 10 to debian 11

Posted: 11 Oct 2022 03:27
by mangocats
More to the point: what would be the successful way to restore rtsp:// streaming functionality if building under newer Debian releases?

I built 3.0.14 from source under Ubuntu 22.04 using just ./configure with no options and it still gives errors for rtsp streams, same streams have been playing without problems for years (and still play today) on VLC installed from apt on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.

the only mention I find of RTSP / rtsp in ./configure --help is: --enable-live555 (default enabled, presumably this was in my build), and --enable-realrtsp as discussed above. Are there additional libraries that need a specific version for rtsp to function properly, ./configure is completing without apparent complaints.


Re: MLR error after upgrading debian 10 to debian 11

Posted: 11 Oct 2022 08:41
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
It depends on a lot of factors. There are no simple ways to make a list of needed VLC options.

Obviously you do need at least live555 though.

Re: MLR error after upgrading debian 10 to debian 11

Posted: 11 Oct 2022 14:56
by mangocats
So if live555 is enabled (per default) and ./configure runs through without errors, and make runs through without errors, can I be reasonably certain that live555 was successfully incorporated, or will the build system just gloss over some missing things in some cases? (like liblivemedia-dev?)