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syslog debug

Posted: 14 Jan 2021 00:43
by llamafilm
I want to run VLC as a systemd service so I am testing various command-line options. I'm confused about how to control the log verbosity.
Running in foreground with vlc --daemon --syslog writes errors to /var/log/messages. But adding --syslog-daemon doesn't make any difference. Is it supposed to? How can I increase verbosity here?

With journalctl I do see the verbose messages even without --syslog-debug. Where is that controlled? I'm trying to debug an issue that only happens when running as a service, so wanted to replicate the same commands as much as possible. So I need to see verbose output somewhere when I run, e.g. sudo -u vlcd vlc --daemon --syslog in the terminal. I'm using VLC 3.0.11 on Raspbian by the way.

Re: syslog debug

Posted: 14 Jan 2021 14:44
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
VLC fills in the message priority as normal, so it should be possible to filter (out) debug messages based on that in Journal. I am not that familiar with the Journal CLI though.

Re: syslog debug

Posted: 14 Jan 2021 16:25
by llamafilm
When running as a systemd service, it looks like the journal receives all messages, regardless of any VLC command-line options. That's fine because you can filter the journal for different log levels like journalctl -u vlc -p warning. This works great!

My question is about running without systemd for debugging. This way I am only getting error level messages in syslog. I'm trying to figure out how to increase verbosity here.

Re: syslog debug

Posted: 14 Jan 2021 23:47
by llamafilm
I figured it out, the verbose output goes to /var/log/syslog while /var/log/messages only shows errors.