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Attempt to add 60k files makes UI being frozen

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:46
by Wohlstand
I have a directory filled with 60k files of music, I wanted to make a huge playlist with them and run shuffle mode. However, UI gets stuck and no responce, however, the playback works fine. Running of CVLC from a console works fine, however, no idea how to make it print the filename of currently playing song? I want to know the filename of a song that seems nice for me to copy it into separated place. Can CVLC print a filename of each playing song from a playlist?

Re: Attempt to add 60k files makes UI being frozen

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 15:31
by sysadmidnight
I remember having this issue a while back, Winamp can do it just fine (yes I still use Winamp... version 5.666 to be specific LOL)
I think it's because VLC tries to read metadata on mp3 files before importing them to the list, and this brings the CPU to a halt when you're dealing with +10k files.
I don't remember if there's a way to make VLC stop reading metadata in advance. Winamp has that option.

Re: Attempt to add 60k files makes UI being frozen

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 15:37
by Wohlstand
My music collection is in MIDI format, not MP3 (for playback I use my own codec plugins and but with the standard demuxer).
Anyway, I did another attempt, and I see VLC had to load CPU with 100% while trying to load a playlist. I had to disable at Settings / All / Playlist the automatical reading of meta-data, however, that didn't helped. I may guess, probably it's some sort of Qt side overload that UI can't hold 60k entries without of a strong lag, or another glitch.

Re: Attempt to add 60k files makes UI being frozen

Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:01
by sysadmidnight
I am a MIDI music lover and collector myself. Particularly original songs (not covers)
Would you care sharing some of these MIDI tracks?
Or point me in the direction to where I can find original MIDI music out there?
Or perhaps uploading a ZIP with your favorite 100 tracks to Dropbox or GoogleDrive? =D

Re: Attempt to add 60k files makes UI being frozen

Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:24
by Wohlstand
I am a MIDI music lover and collector myself. Particularly original songs (not covers)
Would you care sharing some of these MIDI tracks?
Yeah, I have many of, there are both covers, remakes and originals (I also have some I composed myself). Here are MIDI files made by me:
If you want more, I'll DM you my Yandex Disk's folder.

Re: Attempt to add 60k files makes UI being frozen

Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:05
by sysadmidnight
Oh sorry for the late reply, I forgot to come back here, I will reply your message, thanks :)

I had a small sized MIDI collection here, mostly game Midis that are easily extractable, nothing too rare, but last month my hard disk failed on me and I lost everything. I learned my lesson now, always back up everything, specially when the backup takes less than 10 MB of space, it would be so quick to had saved everything.