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VLC doesn't move video window to HDMI secondary display

Posted: 30 Oct 2019 23:44
by lucadg
I use ubuntu Mate 18.04, kernel 5.0.0-32, VLC 3.0.8 Vetinari.
I have a projector connected like secondary monitor on HDMI.
I wish to start videos on HDMI display (HDMI-1), but to use control interface on primary display (eDP1). In "preferences - interface" I uncheck the box "video included in the interface" (I'm translating from Italian, I hope you'll understand), then in "video" I change "Full screen device" to HDMI-1 (is in the curtain menu).
When I start the video I obtain a window separated from the interface, full screen or not it depends if I check or uncheck the related box in video preferences, but the window with the video stay on the primary monitor (eDP1), never goes to HDMI-1.
What's wrong in my settings?

Re: VLC doesn't move video window to HDMI secondary display

Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:50
by wizball
Try editing VLC`s config file directly (after making a backup copy just in case) eg:-

Code: Select all

gedit $HOME/.config/vlc/vlcrc
Search your home folder for the vlcrc config file if the above path differs on your Linux distro.

Search the config file for:

Code: Select all

# Define which screen fullscreen goes (integer) #qt-fullscreen-screennumber=-1

The # indicates to VLC that it should ignore this setting.

Remove the # and change the screen number:

Code: Select all

# Define which screen fullscreen goes (integer) qt-fullscreen-screennumber=1

There are many other options available and most are marked inactive.
To activate an option simply remove the # if exists and set the option
to your preferred choice.