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VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 11 Feb 2018 20:38
by thecr4ne
VLC 3.0, installed via snap on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS can't access files in /tmp directory. If I move the files into the home directory they work just fine. Tried the following but still got the same error
sudo snap remove vlc
sudo snap install vlc --classic
I'm trying to use the
Send to VLC addon from Opera to stream directly in VLC. the addon seems to create and point to .m3u8 files in the /tmp directory. It worked with VLC 2.2.2, with 3.0 i get "Cannot Open MRL..."
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 12 Feb 2018 00:33
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Indeed, snap application cannot open /tmp. No idea on how to fix (or if it is fixable).
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 12 Feb 2018 00:39
by thecr4ne
So I'm guessing I'll have to wait for a non snap packaged version or compile it myself to get this to work. O
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 13 Feb 2018 11:58
by franzugo
With VLC 3.0 installed via snap on Ubuntu 16.04.3 I can't find files and directories in /mnt , I've all my media here
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 13 Feb 2018 18:34
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Snap only allows VLC to open files from $HOME and /media - by design.
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 14 Feb 2018 03:57
by thecr4ne
So how do we install VLC 3.0.0 without snap and without compiling from source?
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 14 Feb 2018 08:03
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
You install it from Ubuntu development repositories, or you wait for the next Ubuntu release.
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 15 Feb 2018 01:17
by shag00
I find it just unbelievable that between the combined brains-trust of launchpad, VLC and Ubuntu that a deb version of VLC 3.0 is not available, especially now the stable version has been released. The later RC versions of 3.0 which did exist are no longer available...
Anyway the work-around to play videos from anywhere on your system is:
sudo snap install vlc --devmode
With a 16.04 system you may have to enable snap first, just google it.
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 15 Feb 2018 04:04
by thecr4ne
sudo snap install vlc --devmode
Doesn't work. Had already tried.
It is ridiculous that there's no straightforward way to install 3.0 without snap. Mast and Stable daily ppas are both on 4.0 now and snap or compile are the only options, and snap has all sorts of issues that cripple VLC.
I am also unable to open MRLs for Jack audio streams. I think I had it working for a bit with 4.0 installed from the master daily ppa, but then it updated today and other things stopped working. I guess I'll have to wait for an actual release instead of using the half functional snap version.
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 15 Feb 2018 05:06
by shag00
Well i'm using 17.10 on 2 machines and it works fine on both. Have you updated your repositories? Or, what exactly does the terminal tell you is wrong?
Re: VLC 3.0 permissions issues?
Posted: 15 Feb 2018 11:33
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
I find it just unbelievable that between the combined brains-trust of launchpad, VLC and Ubuntu that a deb version of VLC 3.0 is not available, especially now the stable version has been released.
Of course a .deb of VLC 3.0 exists. It is in Debian Unstable already.