VDPAU library unclean exit (or something)

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New Cone
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VDPAU library unclean exit (or something)

Postby k9dog » 09 Feb 2018 04:59

I am using VDPAU on Gentoo (AMD G-T40E r600 PALM chipset). Machine is. I was having problems with crashes or not releasing old video to play new video as it wouldn't release the old file. This was both in VLC 2.26 and 2.28. The log reported libvlc_vdpau.so raised a fragmented error-
Kernel is 4.9.80
gcc is 7.3
VDPAU is used in other part of the system without problems. VDPAU_DRIVERS is set to r600. palm firmware is loaded in mernel (And firmware is present in system as fallback). xorg.conf (/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/radeon) specifies

Code: Select all

Section "Device" Identifier "Radeon" Driver "radeon" Option "AccelMethod" "glamor" Option "ColorTiling" "on" Option "ColorTiling2D" "on" Option "TearFree" "on" EndSection
"Old" Radeon driver supports this card. Guess my "card" (APU) have a legacy status and I need to look for radeon and not amdgpu. . I installed firmware as blobs in kernel but included package with firmwares to fall back on. I think vaapi use vdpau and it runs as it should. VDPAU runs elsewhere without problems. vdpauinfo don't report problems.

It is possible I missed something, but I think I found an issue (or maybe gcc 7.3 is being picky).

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