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RTSP on Debian freeze

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:57
by duks5
Hi everyone, English is my third language so be easy with me.
I’m having a problem while using RTSP on Debian. I have a wireless camera so I would like to watch it online. Whenever I open the RTSP on my raspberry pi with VLC while the Pi is connected to my HDMI everything is working great, but when I’m changing the screen size to my 3, the RTSP screen is just freezing and nothing is moving on the screen when I use the RTSP address.

Re: RTSP on Debian freeze

Posted: 30 Oct 2017 11:55
by cuhullainn
I am a newbie on Raspberry pi 3. I think in the raspi-config file there is a section to tune for HDMI screen, use, type...etc.
I use both a TV as HDMI screen and also a 5" touchscreen HDMI mounted on the Raspberry.
I have tried to use VLC to stream on of my CCTV camera (no problem on my Lenovo Laptop) but I can't get anything on the Raspberry.
My rstp adress used is: rtsp://192.168.8.XX:554/user=admin&password=XX&channel=1&stream0 ./"
What address are you using??
Thanks in advance